Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What I love about Fall.

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To be honest, I don't know if there's anything I don't like about fall. It's my favorite season, I only wish it was longer. I love the weather, the clothes we get to wear with that weather, the fall foliage, anything pumpkin (pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkins as decorations, carving pumpkins), apple picking, apple cider donuts, and my list could go on. I really love the colors of fall, the colors in nature, when all the leaves have changed and are falling on the ground and I love wearing those colors as well. Here are some visuals of some of my favorite fall things because, if you couldn't tell, I love this time of year.

This tree used to be right in our front yard and as you can see, in the fall it made the most beautiful color. A few years ago though we took down a bunch of trees and we no longer have it so I'm so glad I captured it when it was changing colors. 


Style me comfy!
So, what are your favorite things about fall? What's on your list of "must haves" for this season? 
Most importantly, do you love fall as much as me? 


  1. love those red skinny jeans!xx


  2. @Alina Anghel Me too! I finally found a pair, I've been searching forever! Thanks for leaving your blog site, I love it!
