Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24hr Eyeshadow swatches!

Ever since I heard the buzz about these I've been dying to get my hands on them! I finally found them at CVS yesterday and they were a good price with a good deal! So, they were only $6.99 which shocked me, I thought for cure they would be more expensive, then, this week at CVS, Maybelline eye and lip cosmetics are buy $15 get $5 extrabucks (the limit is 4 per household and it's going on through January 7th!)! So, I bought 3, got my extrabucks, and got one for about $2! Since they are a pretty good price at the drugstore it means when you see them at Target, they'll probably be even cheaper, but this is a good deal with the extrabucks so I had to pick them up!

Anyway, I've heard these are being compared to MAC Paint Pots, which had people going crazy! Also, the color range is amazing. I only picked up four for now, but I'm sure I'll be getting at least one or two more in the near future. Now, I haven't worn these yet, but I wanted to show you you swatches and tell you about the deal in case you wanted to pick them up. I'll let you know more about how they wear once I've tried them a few times but I hear they're amazing!

So, here they are, enjoy!

The container is almost identical to MAC Paint Pots, a little less rounder. These contain .14oz of product where MAC Paint Pots have .17oz. I like how you can see the color you're getting through the bottom, which is also the same in both these and Paint Pots. 

Above, you can see the shimmer in all of them, except the one on the bottom right, when the sunlight is directly on them.

But, as you can see, the simmer doesn't really transfer out of of the pot. You can see it a little in the 3rd swatch, 15 Audacious Asphalt, but not really in anything else. But, I feel like I wouldn't really wear these alone. They would be my base so it doesn't really bother me.

Top to bottom: 50 Edgy Emerald, 30 Pomegranate Punk, 15 Audacious Asphalt, 35 Tough as Taupe.

I love that there's a drugstore alternative to a Paint Pot, especially one in all these colors at such a good price. There is also a purple and a blue one of these the I remember among many others. I would definitely check them out if I were you! Did you get any already?


  1. Temptalia swatched all of these and she singled out the purple, because all of the colors are wonderful except that one. It's not pigmented and goes on streaky, if I remember correctly, so beware if you are going back for more.

    1. Thank you! yes I remember she reviewed these and gave them an A but I'll have to go back and check the individual bits before I buy more! I do really like them so far though!
