Tuesday, November 22, 2011

MAC Glitter & Ice haul!

First I would like to start by saying that when I saw the promo pictures of this years MAC holiday collection I was so excited because I wanted NOTHING, that's right, nothing! I don't know, there just wasn't anything I felt like I needed to have. Then the other day I was shopping with my cousin and we stopped at the MAC counter and decided to take a look at the collection in all it's sparkly glory. Big mistake! She ended up getting two things from the collection that I had to do a double take on because I really like then and a few other things from the permanent line. So, needless to say I went back and got myself what I saw that night and one more thing. When I went back I swatched a bunch of things and my hands looked like a glitter bomb just exploded on me, no joke! I know things are already selling out and blah, blah, but check all options of department stores online and your counters to see what they have!

Second, Normally I would do a haul as a video but since this is small and I would want to show you swatches anyway, I figured I would throw a blog post together! Enjoy!

I bought two paint pots and a mineralized eyeshadow! 

 Here are the two gorgeous paint pots I bought. There were three total in the collection. 

Let's Skate!
(look at those sparkles!!!)

Morning Frost

Let's Skate! is pink based with really pretty gold shimmer in it. It totally reminds me of going ice skating and being all bundled up but having white, bright eyed, glittery makeup on. Is this making sense, like a snow bunny? I don't know I have a picture in my head lol. Morning Frost is a shimmer/metalic champagne brown. It's a great neutral but dark enough to be worn on it's own. This one has no glitter in it, it just had a metallic shine. 

Hold That Pose! Mineralized eyeshadow. I could just stare at it all day and take a million pictures of it...

I forgot to swatch this one but I'll update it with a swatch. Basically the interesting thing about mineralized anything it that depending on where you grab the shadow from in the pan, the color may be slightly different. Also, if you have this, or maybe you just looked at the one at the MAC counter, chances are that one has different colors and veining throughout it. So, for the most part, this is a highly shimmery, silver color when I used it from the center. But, if I had taken it from the sides I'm sure there would be slightly more pink undertones. I really like this shadow. 

Did you grad anything from the Glitter & Ice Holiday Collection? Maybe on of the sets for a friend?


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