Monday, October 17, 2011

NOTD: Zoya Caitlin & Nails Inc. Connaught Square

   I'm really excited about this particular 'nail of the day' because I absolutely love these two colors together and this Zoya color is super perfect for fall. A while ago I purchased the entire Intimate Collection, which is from Spring, from Zoya while they were having one of their amazing promos (you should definitely make an account on their website so you can be apart of the next one) and I'm so glad I did. One of the colors in that collection is Caitlin, a darker, dusty, slightly blue, purple with some gray too (I know you loved that description, don't lie). I love this color so much, it's the perfect color for fall. Especially if you're not into the super dark and vampy browns or black colors that are popular in the cooler months, this is a great alternative!

   Also, to give my mani a little something extra, I had to try out one of my newest polish additions! Over the weekend I went crazy and bought nine new polishes, two of which were my first from Nails Inc. I was so excited to see that my Sephora carried the line that I dropped everything else in my hand and traded for two polishes. The one you're about to see compliments Zoya's Caitlin so well. It's one of their Special Effects 3D glitters, Connaught Square. It's a crazy glitter polish with a ton of tiny blue glitters, making it more blue based in color, with larger circular purple glitter in it as well. It's really pretty and looks best on top of another polish.

Caitlin is super creamy and opaque it's crazy! Depending on the person, it could be a one-coater, but I used two just for good measure and to make the color a little darker. 
The 3D Glitter did dry with a texture but was smooth with an added topcoat!  

No need for a ring when you're rockin' this bling bling ;)

What's your current manicure, anything I should know about? 


  1. I Love the Zoya color!!! Adding to my wishlist!

  2. @Mercedes It's great right?! I can't stop looking at my nails, I love it too!

  3. This manicure is like the story of my life... My name is Caitlin, Zoya got the spelling right! and guess what street I grew up/ was born on?? Connaught Ave! crazy, thanks for this awesome mani!

  4. @Visual-addiction Wow, haha that's too funny! I would buy these two just for those two facts if nothing else if I were you, but besides that I love them!
