Click "read more" to find out all the shows I'll be watching!
MCM Everyday!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The best season for TV.... FALL!
If you don't follow me on Twitter, then you may not know that I am a massive TV junkie/enthusiast/aficionado, etc. I watch an excessive amount of television, and I'll be the first to admit it. But I'd like to think I watch a pretty wide range of genres. From trashy, reality TV, to true action packed dramas and even a few good comedies in between. Now that Fall is upon us, new seasons and new series have already begun and a handful are still on their way, which is why I decided to do this! If you're anything like me, or even if you just watch a few great shows and are looking for something new to watch, keep reading to find out what I'm loving this season!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
New blog name!
Hi guys! Some of you may have noticed I've updated my blog name, YouTube user name, as well as made a second "vlog" channel. I hope to upload more regularly and continue to add more content to my blog as well, as I'm still in the process of giving it a facelift... (Starting out with a new name!)
Make sure you follow me with the new blog name (update your bloglovin) so you don't miss anything!
Subscribe to me on Youtube too! Here are my channels! -- My posts will be made under the name MCM Aesthetics
2nd Vlog Channel -
Please send me any video/blog suggestions you have!!
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Make sure you follow me with the new blog name (update your bloglovin) so you don't miss anything!
Subscribe to me on Youtube too! Here are my channels! -- My posts will be made under the name MCM Aesthetics
2nd Vlog Channel -
Please send me any video/blog suggestions you have!!
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Thursday, July 25, 2013
JT & Jay Z at Yankee Stadium! - The struggle, journey & good times!
This past Friday I had the most amazing adventure to the city to see the concert of a lifetime, Justin Timberlake and Jay Z at Yankee Stadium! Now I've been an 'N Sync fan forever, obviously. I'm pretty certain they were my first concert. Then, when Justin went solo, although it was heartbreaking to see the boys break up, still waiting for a comeback here, I loved seeing Justin solo too. Fast forward to years of music then years of comedy, SNL skits and then movies, they were all amazing. Once Justin released the cryptic message with the date, before The 20/20 Experience dropped, I was extatic. It had been too long. I didn't love Suit & Tie right away, but it grew on me. Then once I listened to the entire album, all the way through, I was in love. As usual, I picked my favorites, listened to them over and over again, threw the CD in my car (yes I bought a physical copy), and listened to it every day for months.

Then, when I found out he was not only going on tour with Jay Z over the summer but he was doing a Legends of Summer Tour in YANKEE STADIUM, I knew I would be there. I was on the computer as soon as pre-sale started, got locked out of ticketmaster and needed to go to my neighbors house, while they were having company, to use their wifi to buy tickets. I was ready to spend hundreds to get a decent seat because this would be an epic concert and I knew I needed to be there.
This brings me to Friday, June 19th 2013. My cousins and I, who also came with me to the afore mentioned 'N Sync concert, started our journey to Poughkeepsie around 1:45pm. We had planned to get to Yankee Stadium around 5:20, have a nice sit down dinner and then hang around in the Stadium in plenty of time for the concert to start at 8....
Well let's just say that didn't happen... at all.
A day or two before, there had been a serious train derailment but we didn't think it would effect the metro north service into Yankee Stadium. We were seriously mistaken. As soon as we purchased our tickets in Poughkeepsie we were told we'd need to transfer onto a bus once we got to Yonkers, which would then take us to the Yonkers subway. Then we'd need to take the subway to Yankee Stadium... which obviously isn't direct by any means. There were camera crews in Yonkers taking footage of all of us being herded onto busses and rerouted all over. Then we had to figure out the subway, which was a journey in itself. I've been on the subway a few times, but never to Yankee Stadium, but it was my cousins first time! Thankfully, we found a group of fellow concert gowers and a friendly New Yorker who helped us and wanted to tell J he said, "HEY!"
We didn't arrive at Yankee Stadium until around 7 or so. We bought ourselves some $40 concert tees and then headed into the Hard Rock to meet up with some friends. They already had drinks so we hung around for a while and then went into the Stadium around 7:45 because we were all starved! The lights went out at 8, as we were in line to get food but it didn't matter much because the concert didn't start until almost 9:30. I opted for some massive steak fries with a souvenir cup soda. The others had pizza.
DJ Cassidy was on the ones and twos, getting the crowd pumped before the concert really started. Then it was finally time!!! Justin & Jay Z stated off with Holy Grail and it just kept getting better from there! They did some songs together, sometimes JT would be on the guitar while Jay would have his moment and other times Justin would do his thing, and his song would seamlessly blend into a Jay Z song. It went back and forth like that for a while, then they each had their solo mometns. After a while Justin settled everyone down, it was HOT, so we all sat down (I stood on my folding chair 95% of the night) for his ballet. Then they brought it back up, notch after notch. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better it did. They were both AMAZING. They perform live, entertain like no other and I sang along to every song like a back up singer the entire night. Something can be said for entertainers who have songs where everyone knows the lyrics.
Then, just when you thought it couldn't get any better, Justin starts singing New York, New York, which turns into Empire State of Mind.... and then BOOM, Alicia Keys shows up!! Insane. Everyone went nuts. That song in general, in Yankee Stadium, but then with both of them. Couldn't get any better. Then Justin AND Timbaland brought Sexy Back. Then the guys put on their Suits, minus the tie, it was just way too hot, and they ended the night with a tribute to Trayvon Martin by lighting up the stadium with cell phones and singing Forever Young. It was truly an amazing night.
Then we got lost on the subway on the way back... had to ask the State Police for explicit directions, got the LAST bus to the yonkers station and the LAST train out of there. Then we had to transfer in Timbuktu, and listen to these dunk guys try and pick up this poor girl the entire ride. We didn't get home until 5:30 in the morning. Thankfully we all took Saturday off and could rest and relax and reminisce about the previous nights events.
I'm so thankful I was able to go. I have to much video footage, thank you iPhone, so I can relive it forever! I have even been considering going to another JT concert in NJ later this year because it was that good! Make sure you follow me on instagram to see more concert pictures and other fun pics too!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
DIY ornaments for the holidays!
I know I've neglected my blog, and I hate that! As soon as I got back from vacation in August, classes started, then I went away again. After that there was all the school work and everything else and now the holidays are right around the corner. I've just been super busy! But, I have found the time to start crafting and work on some great DIY gifts for the holidays! I'm obsessed with Pinterest and I'm always pinning anything and everything that grabs my attention, just for inspiration. But, my DIY board is truly a place where I pin projects or crafts that I really want to do! I'm super crafty and own half a craft store in my basement so I'm always looking for another project to take on! If you like DIY stuff as much as me then be sure to follow me on Pinterest and check out my latest projects below!
I've been making a ton of different ornaments. Glitter ones are super easy to make and inexpensive too!
I've been making a ton of different ornaments. Glitter ones are super easy to make and inexpensive too!
What you'll need:
Baby oil
An empty cup
Ribbon or ornament hook/hanger
Total cost: Under $2.00 per ornament!
Basically all you need is an ornament with an opening. I use the plastic ones instead of the glass because they're less expensive and you don't have to worry about them shattering. I always purchase mine at Michaels and they're usually half off. You can find all different shapes and sizes too!
Then you pour some baby oil, which I purchased at the dollar store, into the ornament. You don't need much at all. Just enough to fully coat the inside. Keep rotating the ornament until you feel like every inch has baby oil on it. Then you can tip it upside down, sitting in a cup if you'd like, so the excess baby oil can make its way out instead of settling in a blob somewhere inside of the ornament. I usually take a paper towel and dab the opening a bunch of times to speed this process up.
Then you need to start adding glitter of your choice. Any kind will work, you just have to be patient and add small amounts at a time. The skinny tubes of fine glitter work really well because it's easy to pour right from the tube into the opening of the ornament. You want to rotate the glitter around to cover every inch like you did with the baby oil. It gets tricky the closer you get to the opening but you'll figure it out I'm sure!
I love doing it this way because you don't have to worry about the glitter falling off the outside of the ornament because it's all on the inside and it's just as beautiful!
For this blue and silver one I mixed two different glitters, so the possibilities are endless! You can also add some ribbon, and decorate the outside if you'd like too!
I'll be posting more the DIY projects I've been doing very soon, so stay tuned!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Tips & Trends to help you this Fall
Fall has always been and always will be my favorite season. Although we're not quite there yet, it is never too soon to be talking about the upcoming season to familiarize yourself with the trends. Just because it was seen on the runway and in all the magazines however, doesn't always mean it's right for you. This in between seasons is the perfect time to reevaluate yourself, your makeup and your wardrobe before you dive head first and potentially make the mistake of wearing something that just isn't you. There's nothing worse than trying to wear a beautiful outfit or bold lip, but rather than looking chic, you're not wearing the clothes, they're wearing you. So, although we are all loving many of the fall trends this season, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Use what you have. - Whenever there's a change of season I always switch out the majority of my wardrobe. The summer stuff goes back into hiding and all the chunky knits, sweaters and pants come back out. As I'm putting things back and taking other things out, I try things on, look over what I've purchased since the last season and try to give things away. You may have forgotten about that amazing jacket you shoved in the back of your closet last season, or that cute polka dot top that would be right on trend now. Taking the time to look at what you have before you go out and buy everything you see can save you a ton of money. This step can also help you see what you actually need. Maybe you lost some weight and need new pants, or you realized you had way too many graphic tees (which I am guilty of and am getting rid of a ton) and need more basics.
Transition last seasons favorites into this seasons layering pieces. - Fall is the perfect season because it's not too hot and not too cold, usually. It's the perfect chance to keep a few of your favorite summer dresses, bright jeans or neon tops in rotation. All you need to do is pair them with a neutral color like grey or brown and then add layers! Add leggings, tights, a cardigan and some combat boots to a floral dress and completely transform it. You can even try incorporating new fall trends with some summer trends. You just have to keep an open mind and try them out. If you're totally at a loss or just looking for some transition ideas, you need to watch this video!
Don't overdo it. - Just because someone says prints, lace and leather are hot, doesn't mean you're necessarily supposed to be wearing them all at once. Especially if you're new to the trends. Introduce bold trends into your wardrobe slowly, adding bits and pieces. See if you like what you see and then add some more. Even if you see celebrities wearing crazy prints or cut outs that you're loving, it may not be appropriate for your work or school environments. So, look for similar ideas or even DIY stuff that can fit your individual needs, style and personality.
It's called a trend for a reason. - Usually, trends don't last, which is why they're called trends.
We're always changing and so are the trends. You don't need to be a follower and you don't need to be a leader. But, if you wanted to be one, you could be. You can wear whatever you want and whatever makes you feel your best. You don't need to conform to anyone or any rules. It's fashion, it's supposed to be fun. You could be wearing the same exact thing as the person standing next to you and yet it could be styled in a completely different way. You could be having a terrible horrible very bad day, but that bright yellow top you decided to put on that makes people give you a second look would make people think otherwise. So since trends are always changing, as long as you know who you are, you can wear whatever you want. Gone are the days of fitting the mold of a certain type of person. Some days I want to dress up and other days a little rocker. I don't have one particular style, it's always changing and evolving.
Let me know what your personal favorites are and how you be wearing them this season?
Don't overdo it. - Just because someone says prints, lace and leather are hot, doesn't mean you're necessarily supposed to be wearing them all at once. Especially if you're new to the trends. Introduce bold trends into your wardrobe slowly, adding bits and pieces. See if you like what you see and then add some more. Even if you see celebrities wearing crazy prints or cut outs that you're loving, it may not be appropriate for your work or school environments. So, look for similar ideas or even DIY stuff that can fit your individual needs, style and personality.
It's called a trend for a reason. - Usually, trends don't last, which is why they're called trends.
We're always changing and so are the trends. You don't need to be a follower and you don't need to be a leader. But, if you wanted to be one, you could be. You can wear whatever you want and whatever makes you feel your best. You don't need to conform to anyone or any rules. It's fashion, it's supposed to be fun. You could be wearing the same exact thing as the person standing next to you and yet it could be styled in a completely different way. You could be having a terrible horrible very bad day, but that bright yellow top you decided to put on that makes people give you a second look would make people think otherwise. So since trends are always changing, as long as you know who you are, you can wear whatever you want. Gone are the days of fitting the mold of a certain type of person. Some days I want to dress up and other days a little rocker. I don't have one particular style, it's always changing and evolving.
Here are some Fall trends I think you should definitely consider
incorporating into your wardrobe ASAP.
Animal anything:
It can be in prints or it can be the entire animal. Pants, tees, shoes. There's an animal version out there for it I can assure you.
Printed & colored jeans:
There are so many new styles now beyond just floral like coated, polka dot, leather etc.
Jewel Tones & Statement Necklaces:
One doesn't really have a lot to do with the other, other than the fact that jewel is the beginning of jewelry... Collars have been really big lately, although I'm not loving them, they're different and unique. Statement necklaces in general are great pieces to have. They can make a plain outfit dressy or just make it pop with one simple step. The jewel tones of this season are emerald & sapphire. Jewel tones are always big in the Fall/Winter and I love them all.
Burgundy, everything:
Pants, accessories, purses, makeup and nails. Bold wine colored lips. There are numerous ways to incorporate this rich color, also being referred to in the fashion world as "Bordeaux" into your life.
You can never go wrong with a great army green utility jacket. If you already have that maybe you want to try a double-breasted coat or trying the color navy in something you already have. Add combat boots to any outfit or add subtle details like patches and bold buttons in the right places.
Leather details:
Although I'd love to wear an all leather anything, it's not practical for me, or most of us. So, there are great leather accents on tee shirts, leggings, and everything in between. Try mixing edgy with classy for a unique twist.
Let me know what your personal favorites are and how you be wearing them this season?
Monday, September 3, 2012
Where have I been? DISNEY!
It's been a while, more like months, since my last post and I'm truly sorry for that! I have new products and thoughts to share with you, rest assured. But before I get to all of that, I want to share some of my most recent vacation photos with you. I took my first trip to Disney World recently with my cousins and it was so exciting! We went almost everywhere, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios, all more than once. We stayed on Disney property at a new resort called Art of Animation which was pretty neat and almost like a mini park in itself. Since I'm an aspiring photographer at heart, naturally I took my camera everywhere and literally took thousands of pictures. Although it's usually about quality over quantity, I was so overwhelmed, with it being my first time there, I had to capture every moment. But, to keep your interest and keep this from being too long, I've tried to pick some of my favorites to sum up the trip! I also tried to add some blurbs with the pictures, restaurants and so on. I could potentially turn my little travel diary into a bound book with everything we did, all the places we went and all the fun we had. But there's not enough time for that here, so hope you enjoy!
Disney's Art Of Animation Resort
-Outside and in the lobby
(there's so much more to be seen so I may do a separate post dedicated to the resort & our time there)
Some of my Alex and Ani bracelets! Can you spot the new addition? ;)
Click "Read More" to see more of my vacation!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Vacation Outifits
I only went away for two nights and three days and although I only took my small Vera Bradley duffel, I still managed to overpack. I overestimated the amount of time we'd actually be there and the amount of clothing I'd really be wearing. 85% of the day I was in my bathing suit. I did wear two outfits one day though because after dinner it was really cool and we were going to the beach to watch the fireworks. I didn't want to wear my nice outfit so I went with my good old Hampton Beach sweatpants! (I didn't capture this outfit on film, I figured it wasn't necessary.) So, with that said, I only really have two outfits to show you. I really love them though! Hope you do too.
Necklace - Azure Triad Collar Necklace from Baublebar (comes in other colors too), Shirt- Fashion Star winning collection by Kara for H&M, Shorts - H&M,
White tank - VS Pink, Flip flops - Old Navy.
Hair- Air dried. Eye makeup - Mostly just L'Oreal infallible 24hr eyeshadow in 337 Endless Sea
I did something on this vacation that I never usually do which was pack some jewelry and accessories. My mom always did, just a few basics, but I never wanted to lose anything and never really cared honestly. But, this time around as I was packing and figuring out outfits, I realized I had so much jewelry that could make the outfit so much better! Truly, the right accessory can make or break an entire outfit. I usually find that my shoes, (those flip flops I always wear) don't help any of my outfits. But with jewelry especially, the possibilities are endless. You can make a bold statement or go dainty and delicate! I need to make a point of accessorizing more because I have a plethora of jewelry of all shapes, sizes, colors and styles that will go with any outfit if I just take that time to style them together!
Shoes - Target Metallic Merona Esma Sandal, Bag - Aldo, Sunglasses - Charming Charlie
I love this dress! I bought it a while back, maybe over a year ago, and this is the first time I'm wearing it! I know, that's bad, but I knew there would be a perfect time for a light weight dress, with a nautical feel. It has rope straps and ties at the waist and is super flattering! These Jewelmint earrings were the perfect match too. They're one of the original Jewelmint pieces I believe and they're always sold out. So when they were on sale a few months ago I had to finally pick them up before they were gone forever.
I am also currently obsessed with my nail polish. It's Maybelline Color Show in Orange Fix 220. I bought it new before I went away and was taking a bit of a risk trying a new formula on my toes going to the beach. My nail polish usually loses it's shine whenever I'm at the beach and it will sometimes begin to chip or at least give me some tip wear depending how long I'm there. It just kind of goes with the territory of sand and salt water. However I'm pleased to tell you that my polish is still going strong, and I can't stop looking at the color, over six days later. I did need a lot of coats though. Like A LOT. That's my one complaint. But the color is insane and perfect for summer. It's super bright, and almost neon. I used 4-5 coats with 2 top coats in between on my big toes and only two on the rest of my nails, although they could have used a third. If you don't mind seeing your nail line, minor imperfections or you have neither of those, then I wouldn't worry about piling this stuff on.
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